A Word From The Pastor
It is our desire to welcome you to the congregation of the Church of God in Columbus, Ohio. In 2020, God burdened my heart to work for God and with his help establish a congregation in this locale. Indeed, undertaking such an assignment carried with it multiple challenges and trials, but the Spirit of God led unerringly and we are eternally thankful for God’s care and guidance.
Ultimately, it is my heart’s desire to help precious souls find a complete dependency on God’s Word and God’s Spirit and experience a personal relationship with Christ that extends beyond mere church attendance, outward conformity to standards, or a simple profession of faith. When souls are free to worship God in Spirit and in truth it is amazing what can happen. Over these last three years, the hand of God has united people from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences into a common bond of perfectness and we are enjoying the benefits of allowing God’s Word and Spirit to lead and have full control. The invitation is given to all to enjoy this precious freedom in Christ - “the Spirit and the bride say come.” With God’s help, it is our desire to only move forward and see God’s work progress in these closing days.
-Nathan Obstarczyk